Google Drive Direct Download Link Generator

Google Drive Direct Link Generator

Google Drive Direct Link Generator

What is Google Drive Direct Download Link ?

When you share a file using Google Drive, you generate a shareable link, but clicking on that link takes you to a Google Drive page where you can preview the file and choose to download it.

A direct download link, on the other hand, skips this preview and download page, immediately initiating the download process.

A Google Drive direct download link is a URL that allows you to share and provide access to a specific file stored on Google Drive for anyone to download without needing to sign in or have permission to access the file.

It provides a way to share a file with others, and when they click on the link, the file will be downloaded to their computer or device directly.

By default, the link generated will be the standard sharing link. To convert it to a direct download link, you need to modify the link by Google Drive Direct Link Generator Tool. Once you have generate the direct download link, you can share it with others, and when they click on it, the file will start downloading immediately.

To create a direct download link for a file on Google Drive:
  • (1) Upload the file to your Google Drive.
  • (2) Right-click on the file you want to share and select "Get shareable link" or "Share."
  • (3) Change the sharing settings to "Anyone with the link can view" or "Anyone with the link can edit," depending on your preference and security requirements.
  • (4) Copy the link that is generated.

google drive link

The link you copied is not a direct download link. When someone clicks on it, they will not be able to download the file directly. Which will look something like-

To make this link a direct download link, you need to modify it by direct link generator tool.

Direct download link:

With the modified link, when someone clicks on it, the file will be automatically downloaded to their device, without requiring them to open it in Google Drive.
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